Thursday, July 2, 2020

Thank you from Angela Copeland Coaching! - Copeland Coaching

Thank you from Angela Copeland Coaching! After coaching job seekers for almost ten years, I opened the doors to Copeland Coaching just two years ago. Thank you so much to all of my amazing friends and clients who have helped to make this dream possible! Whether you helped with my office, my website, my podcast, graphic design, my videos, or any other part of the business, I truly appreciate your help. I could not do this without you! Often, we you start a business, its because you have expertise in a particular area. I reflect on the experience of small business owners who are doctors, dentists, or lawyers. They open the business to help people with one particular area, but there are many other tasks around setting up and running a business that you dont have experience in. Unlike a corporate job where you have teams of people who are also experts and are available at a moments notice, you have to figure out how to get things done. One your own. I have been incredibly lucky that each and every time Ive needed help, someone has stepped up. On more than one occasion, someone has volunteered to help out from the goodness of their hearts. Im excited to say that in the last two years, weve accomplished a lot together, including Getting the Copeland Coaching website up and running! Publishing e-book Breaking The Rules Getting The Job Developing and writing the Career Corner column that appears in both the Memphis Daily News and the Nashville Ledger Publishing 75 Copeland Coaching Podcasts (so far) with smart, interesting guests Being interviewed for TV, radio, newspaper, and the internet on career success, including The Wall Street Journal, The Today Show Online, U.S. News World Report, The Huffington Post, and more! And working with hundreds of awesome job seekers to turn their search into a SLAM DUNK! Starting a business can be a frighting venture. But, all your support and encouragement has made it an incredibly fun and rewarding experience! Thank you for being part of the Copeland Coaching Team. I look forward to achieving continued success together! THANK YOU! I hope these tips have helped you. Visit to find more tips to improve your job search. If I can be of assistance to you, dont hesitate to reach out to me here. Also, be sure to subscribe to my Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher where I discuss career advice every Tuesday! If youve already heard the podcast and enjoy it, please consider leaving a review in Apple Podcasts or Stitcher. Happy hunting! Angela Copeland @CopelandCoach

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