Sunday, May 10, 2020

Top 10 Job Search Articles You Dont Want To Miss

Top 10 Job Search Articles You Dont Want To Miss Theres a lot of information out there about job search. These are the top 10 from 2018 you dont want to miss! Before you check out for the holidays, I wanted to highlight these articles to help you prepare for your upcoming job search. January has historically been the month most people hit the job boards. So before you start, make sure youre ready! (Psst: Monster is no longer the place to go to find a job.) I hope you enjoy these! Top Job Search Articles From 2018 9 Questions To Ask Before Launching Your Job Search Before you begin updating your resume, there are some questions youll want to ask and answer. Your search for a new job requires a strategy and by answering these questions you will launch a targeted, more productive job search. Recruiting and Interviewing Trends To Watch In 2018 Companies have to work harder to find talent now that most people are working.   Using candidate data and artificial intelligence is mixed into the process companies use to source and vet candidates. And once theyve found candidates, they are interviewing them differently.   These trends started in 2018 and are expected to continue through 2019. Social Media Used To Evaluate Job Seekers 2018 Based on CareerBuilders annual study, I break down the key findings to help you understand the good and bad of social media. The short answer is, whatever you put out there is a reflection of you and can be used to help or hurt your shot at being a candidate for a job. Use Every Source Available To Uncover Job Opportunities Where do you go to look for jobs? Its probably based on your past experience. If you dont diversify where you look for new jobs, you may be missing out on that perfect job opportunity. How To Use Instagram for Job Search Instagram, really? Yes. If you are active on Instagram, these are tips to help you make the most of your time on the platform to help with your job search (and online reputation). 12 Easy Digital Housekeeping Steps Even if you dont plan on actively looking for a new job, you should do a little digital housekeeping. Walk through this list to make sure your online visibility is clean and on target. Its up to you to manage your online personal reputation. 8 Things To Evaluate Before You Say Yes To A Job Theres nothing more exciting than receiving a job offer. But before you say YES, make sure you have evaluated these 8 things related to the job, the company, its leadership and people you’ll be working with. Pre-Interview Prep You want to come across confidently qualified during the job interview and that takes practice and time. Youll find the top job interview questions to prepare for and the best way to formulate your answers! Start prepping now! New LinkedIn Features You Should Know About LinkedIn is always making updates and adding new features. Sadly, they dont do a very good job notifying their users of these changes. These are 10 features introduced in 2018. Fix Your LinkedIn Headline Today Your LinkedIn headline  is one of the best opportunities to highlight your unique value. You have 120 characters to use to sell yourself! Newsflash, your job title and company isnt going to be enough to help you stand out! And there you have it. If you are looking for more help, please, subscribe to my newsletter and get fast, fresh, fun articles delivered right to your inbox!

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